Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Springtime in Indiana

Riley and I go on walks every day! She LOVES being outside and looking around and seeing all the trees!

So Proud of Ryan! He is graduating so soon! He got into Beta Gamma Sigma which is basically MBA honors. He's a smarty.

Those who know Ryan know there is nothing he loves more than to tour a brewery ;) JK This is just a dinner thing Notre Dame put on with his scholarship group. 
"Moooooom cut it with the kisses already." 

Post bath time snuggles.

This one. Always spitting up :) A LOT. Dr. says she thinks Riley is just over eating and spitting up the excess. MY teeny tiny skinny baby over eating? Really? ;) 

My friend Mary-Elizabeth gave us these little shorts and I just thought Riley was soooo cute in them!

Our little family

A few years ago, Ryan and I got the salted caramel chocolate cake at P.F. Changs and we fell in love with it. Best dessert ever! They have since taken it off the menu :( This was my first attempt at trying to recreate it. It was yummy, but definitely needs some major tweaking to add up to Changs.

Riley is loving her bumbo. Sitting up like a big kid :)

I know this is a funny thing to blog, but i don't want to forget it! It may be hard to believe...but Ryan made this scrumptious looking chicken pot pie! We were bringing dinner to a friend who had just had a baby, and I had a photo shoot to get to so Ryan had to make the dinner.  He did an awesome job and it turned out perfectly! Maybe he oughta try making dinner a little more often ;) 

My happy girl. Always waking up on the right side of the bed. 
I threw my friend Anna a baby shower! It was really fun. I also threw my friend Jessica a baby shower. I'm mad at myself for not taking pictures of Jessica's but at least I got a few of Anna's! Both were very fun! 
Anna is having a boy and is due in August. So excited for her and Wes!
Just had to capture how sweet she looks in this dress! This was a gift from Aunt Tamy.
I love it! She looks so beautiful and angelic. 

When Ry pulled Riley out of her swing the head support pillow thing came out with her. It was so funny and she looked so happy and cute like she was laughing about it too! :)

One of our new fave meals to make.  Zucchini Pizza. SO easy and yummy!

Having friends over for dinner. This is our ward MBA group. (The guys in Ryan's year of the program who are in our ward) We got together pretty often. 

She likes her Bumbo!

Ryan studied like this as often as he possibly could. He can never get enough of his baby girl. 

At the beach at Lake Michigan.

We love Silver Beach!
Fun with friends at Silver Beach, Lake Michigan

Sweet thing. Love how her hands are clasped.

OK the BEST pizza and breadsticks of all time. Marco's Pizza. Mmmmmm 

Look at that sweet little face.

Sometimes we'll be driving and Riley will be totally quiet and so I figure she must be asleep. Well then we got this nifty mirror from my friend Amy and it was so fun to be able to see Riley while we were driving! A lot of the time when I would have thought she was sleeping she was wide awake just looking around at the world as we drove by. What a sweetheart!
**Disclaimer** Now Riley HATES the carseat/riding in the car and she screams a lot. Then the second we sit back there next to her or go to get her out she is all happy again. haha she's becoming social and doesn't like being stuck in the carseat alone back there.

1 comment:

  1. I totally relate to this last comment/photo. I feel like Devin is always driving us around and me and Hatcher are riding in the back haha. Love all your pics!
