We are so excited that we are having a baby!!! Our little bundle is due January 22, 2015. We can't wait! Here's the story of how I found out and how I told Ryan :)
I had been pretty baby hungry for a while. In September 2013, I started really hankering for a child and to become a mother. I didn't feel quite ready though, and neither did Ryan. In December 2013 we both felt good about it and decided it was the right time and we started "trying." :) Anyway. I figured we'd get pregnant within a month or two. I mean how hard could it be right? Well, I was convinced I was pregnant the first month! For the first time in my life my boobs were killing me, I was SO tired, and my period was late! I just KNEW I was pregnant. I HAD to be. I went out and bought a test and planned out exactly how I was going to tell Ryan and I got so, so excited! I was practically singing and dancing while peeing on the stick. I was so happy! Then I got a negative test result. What what??? So I did what any woman would do, I assumed it was a faulty test and took another one. Negative. Again. I was in shock. I mean I didn't know what it felt like to be Prego Miss Prego Pants but I was so sure that I was! I know that it's rare to get pregnant the first month you try and I shouldn't have been so sad but because I was so sure I
was pregnant, I was really heartbroken.
In mid May we were getting ready to move out to California for Ryan's summer internship. Ryan was outside finishing packing up the car. While he was outside, I hurried to the bathroom and took a pregnancy test. I didn't think I was pregnant. But this time, Ryan had gone out and bought me an ovulation kit (best 20 bucks we ever spent) and we figured out I was O.V-ing about a week late. Um hello- that's why it hadn't been working. So I did have more hope this time. Anyway, much to my surprise and excitement the test was positive!!! I was thrilled! I started jumping up and down with happiness and said a prayer of thanks to Heavenly Father. Then I realized Ryan would be coming in soon and I needed to think fast! We were moving across the country in 5 minutes! How was I going to tell him this news? I wanted to do something cute and surprise him. I didn't want to tell him while he was driving, or tell him at a gas station. Then I got a great idea!
When Ryan walked back inside he shouted that we were all packed and ready to go. I said I was ready but that I just wanted to do a once over on the apartment, to make sure we hadn't forgotten anything. While searching the apartment, I shouted, "Oh no! You have got to be kidding me! Ry, there is a huge box in the closet!! How did we forget this? This is never gonna fit in our car!" Because it was only for the summer, we were moving only what would fit in our car and it was PACKED already--there was no way the box was fitting. Ryan picked it up and realized it was empty and gave me this look that said, "haha very funny." I told him he should just make
sure it was empty. He opened it up and saw the pregnancy test. I will never forget his face. He looked up and asked if I was serious and started to tear up. I nodded my head and we both just started crying! We were so overjoyed. Seriously, one of the happiest days of my life.
I know there are a lot of people who cannot have children. And I know that there are so many couples who wait and pray and hope for a child for
years. So, our 5 months of waiting is nothing compared to what so many have to go through. However, it was still tough for us. We would hear about people who got pregnant their first try or at least within a few months and just wonder if something was wrong with us. We would worry or wonder if we would be able to have kids. I know we were paranoid but these are the kinds of thoughts that cross your mind when you want a baby so badly and it isn't happening. Looking back, I am so grateful that we had this experience, because even though it was only 5 months, it still felt like forever to us. It really opened our eyes to a tiny glimpse of what some couples have to go through to have children and it has really made our hearts and our prayers go out to those families. It also made us want to become parents more each and every month and trust in God. We hope and pray for those couples who want children that they will be able to have them.
We cannot wait til January and are so excited to add a little baby to our family. We love this baby so much already!
Took two tests so Ryan could have it spelled out for him :) |
Can you tell we've been crying with joy? Cause we have :)
Baby's first ultrasound picture at about 6 1/2 weeks |
Looks like I can start parking here! :) |
12 week appointment! Always fun to see our baby on the ultrasound :) |
Hearing our baby's heartbeat for the first time! |
Baby's second ultrasound picture. 12 weeks |
Here is an embarrassing but funny video that shows how excited Ryan and I were the day we found out we were having a baby! We were on our long drive from Indiana across the country and decided to film our happy news along the way.
I love this! So so happy for you guys. You are so cute. Please, more videos!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations!!! I'm so happy for you guys!
ReplyDeleteI can NOT believe you actually posted that video! Now I like y'all even more! When are y'all headed back to SB?
ReplyDeleteHaha Hannah most people already know we are weird so it wasn't too risky :) We will be back in South Bend August 23! We seriously cannot wait to get back. Northern CA has not been our favorite. We are excited to see you and all our friends again.
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness! you are too CUTE!! haha love you guys and we are so happy for you!!! Can't wait to get back to SB and party with you!
ReplyDeleteSo I love this post and the video reminded me of how much I love and miss you!! If you are headed to Chicago anytime soon call me! :)
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness! That video was fantastic!!! I loved it. Can't wait to see you guys again. You'll get back to SB before us for sure, but once we're back we'll hang out for sure.