Saturday, August 22, 2015

Riley is 6 Months

The last six months have flown by way too quickly! Half a year already! Wow! Riley has blessed our life more than we could have ever known. We love her so much and are so grateful for her!

Here are some fun facts about Riley as she turns six months:
  • Riley got to taste "real food" for the first time. So far she is loving rice cereal and peas. I mean she is looooooving it. She is crazy about food!
  • Riley LOVES the swings! We live pretty close to a park with a baby swing so I like to walk/run to the park and let Riley swing for a while. It's fun!
  • When Riley gets excited she kicks her legs and shakes her arms side to side. She gets a big, open mouth smile and sticks her tongue out. Bapa describes this as "smiling with her whole body."She always does this when she gets "real food," when we go outside, and a bunch of other times every day!
  • Our little girl is very happy and friendly--always smiling at strangers, making friends, and making people's day wherever she goes.
  • She still spits up A LOT. Oy vey. 
  • She loves sitting up on her own.
  • She is getting pretty good at rolling over!
  • Riley loves toys and sticking everything in her mouth.
  • She loves to talk and make any sounds she can. Sometimes I joke that she speaks spanish because a lot of the time it sounds like she says "Habla."Also, when Riley is really happy, or trying to get attention, she makes this hilarious screeching noise. It's especially funny when she does it in public.  
  • Unfortunately, she still has multiple blow-outs a week.
  • No teeth yet! Thank goodness.
  • Riley loves bath time. She takes the wash cloth and will chomp on it and suck all of the water out of it.
  • She sleeps in her own cute little room now. Well it's really half of a room. She so nicely shares with the workout/storage room.
  • Riley loves when we sing to her. Wheels on the bus is her favorite! She also loves when we read to her.
  • We think she is a morning person because she is always happy and smiling in the morning!
  • Riley is so loved. We couldn't be happier to be her parents. 

We love you Riley Girl!

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Trip to Utah to see Mandi and the Girls!

I got to head back to Utah because Mandi and my nieces were coming to visit. I hadn't seen them in over a year so I just HAD to go to Utah to go and see them :) We had a great time!

Riley on the swing at Nana's house and loving it.
We picked berries with Nana for a while. There were sooo many. So yummy!
Mom VW's famous triple berry pie. So good! Ryan was pretty jealous.  
Playing with cousins.
Izzy is holding Riley's arm. So sweet.
Riley was so cute snuggling on Brendi. 
So fun to see Mandi and the girls! This was the first time Mandi had met Riley!

Harley rocking some of Grandma's high heels :) 
Story time with Whitney and Grandpa
Isn't this picture so sweet? 


Love Emery. I hadn't seen her since she was a baby!

We went to the farm at Thanksgiving Point. Harley and Emery loved riding the ponies!

Harley "crossing her eyes." It was hilarious.

 She loves to make people laugh. She's so cute!

Riding the ponies with Grandma

Mandi and Emery with the Pony 

I did a photo shoot with Mandi and her girls. You can see those photos here

We tried to get a picture of all of the girls together but they were having none of it. Maybe next time ;) 
We went to the park and splash pad in Alpine. It is such a great park. 

The girls all had so much fun playing in the water and on the swings!
Swinging with the cousins. 

Riley LOVES the swings. 

Harley kept saying, "This is so MUCH fuuuuun!" It was adorable.

The big kids can play at the park too.

Emery loves loves loves cheetos! I think Sundance does too...

Reading with Grandma and Grandpa O. 

So cute.  
On the train at the Hogle Zoo.

I was so glad Jo and Zahra came and met up with us so we could hang out!

All the girls at the zoo. 

It was so cute when Mandi FaceTimed Matt. Emery was SO happy to see Daddy! 

Harley relaxing and watching some Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.

Of course you can't go to Utah without getting some Cafe Rio!

Wish Whitney could've come too! But she had to work. Mom watched all the grandkids so we could go get some Cafe Rio and go to Quilted Bear for some headbands/cute stuff for the little girls. 


It's always so fun to hold a sleeping baby.

My happy girl. Modeling one of her new hairbows and a cute little whale spout. 

Riley loves Aunt Whitney. PS look at those thighs!!! ha love my chubby baby.

This. is. SUCH a sweet picture. 

We had such a fabulous time visiting Utah and seeing family! It was also just so nice to see Mandi and the girls after being apart for so long. We love trips to Utah.

Meanwhile in San Francisco...haha poor Ryan. 
Riley was so very excited to see her daddy again. It was heart melting. 
Wish I could've gotten a better pic! She was thrilled to see Ryan again! It was adorable. 
Ryan picked us up in Oakland at the airport and we drove downtown to SF and had lunch at Sweet Joanna's. Mmmm.
Then we dropped Ry off at work and drove home sweet home.
It was so much fun to visit family! Of course it is always wonderful to be reunited with my bestie/hottie husband too! We missed you Ryan! XOXO