It was sad to leave our families in Utah but we were excited for our new adventure and to get settled into our new place/see what it looked like! We had passed through Walnut Creek last summer when we lived in Daly City and we LOVED it. We knew then that if we ever moved back to Northern CA we would want to live in Walnut Creek! It was kind of scary/exciting though because we didn't know what our apartment would be like since we had to rent site-unseen.
The drive to Walnut Creek was long. We knew it would take at least 10 or more hours and we were crossing our fingers that Riley would be good for us on the long drive. However, that drive seems SO easy after living in Indiana for 2 years which is 20+ hours to Utah. We totally lucked out and Riley was an angel for most of the drive.
We passed this sign and couldn't help but laugh. Whoever named this town in the middle of nowhere certainly had a sense of humor.
At a rest stop for some snuggles and Riley time |
Riley was SO good on the drive. It took about 12 hours to drive from Highland, Utah to our new home in Walnut Creek (including all the stops). Riley took some really good naps and overall was a great travel buddy. We stopped every few hours to feed her, change her, gas up, etc. |
Passing through Tahoe was GORGEOUS. Wish I could've gotten a better picture. We were so surprised to see snow in July! |
We rented our apartment site-unseen so we were pretty nervous to go check it out! We did as much research as we could online: pictures, reviews, and google earth but you still never know exactly what you're getting into until you see it in real life...
Our apartment is pretty small but we ended up really being happy with it! Just hours before we arrived they had upgraded our apartment to the faux wood floors. Overall we really love the look, the floorplan, the complex, and the location of the apartment. The location is PERFECT! It's in northern Walnut Creek right by the Pleasant Hill BART so Ryan can just walk right across the street (maybe a 5 min walk from our door) and get right on BART. It's so nice to not need a second car and it also saves him commute time by not having to drive to BART.
First night in the apartment. No furniture bc our U-Box hadn't arrived yet. |
First night in our apartment. Eating dinner on the floor since we have no furniture yet. Pizza and salad. Yum.
Riley looks like she really wants that food ;) |
Tuckered out after our long journey here and sleeping on an air mattress for a few days until we unpack. |
Yay our U-Box arrived! And boy is it PACKED. |
All of our stuff. Excited to unpack it and get this place organized and decorated. |
Next night's dinner...frozen least we're eating up to a table this time! |
Riley likes it here so far! :) |
When we first arrived, one of the managers (Mike) gave us a tour of the complex and showed us our apartment. He walked us into our apartment and mentions how they JUST installed new laminate flooring a few hours ago. Then--right on que--Riley did a HUGE spit up all over the floor! Haha we had a good laugh and realized how nice it's gonna be to have the hard floors for spit-up clean up since Riley is still spitting up a lot. |
Riley loves to snuggle and we laugh at all the funny ways she can sleep! We love this little girl! |
Enjoying our new place and relaxing a bit before all of the unpacking and chaos begins.
We have a few days before Ryan starts work! |
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