Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Riley at 2 months-ish

Get ready for TONS of pictures of Riley girl. In most of these photos she is around 2 months!

 Loving bath time as usual.
This girl melts my heart.
HA! I've gotten pretty good at getting poop out of clothes :) 
Such a darling. 
Right after our sweet babe got her shots :( Good thing Daddy was there to help us through it!
She was crying in pain almost the entire day afterwards. I felt so bad for her!
But worth it to protect her from all those diseases someday. 
This was BEFORE the shots, when things were still happy :)
I was loving all her rolls and was so excited to find out how much she weighed!

2 Month Stats:
13 lbs. 4.5 oz--85 percentile for weight
22.5 inches tall--50 percentile for height
Head Circumference--above the 99 percentile!

One healthy little chica!
Ry studying with the babe 
He loves holding her while he studies! 
She loves this position.
The Pauls came out for a visit. Always good to see them! And we got to meet their newest addition, Taylor. Such a cutie!
We are happy that our kids are close in age to have a friend to play with!
Riley and Taylor Paul. They are only one day apart but Riley looks huge here! Haha she looks so much bigger.
I didn't think they looked THAT different in real life.
All smiles!
ha some of these sleeping positions crack me up.
I know I have a hundred pictures of her just like this, in the bath. But it's just soooo sweet. I can't stop taking them.
Every time she gets out of the bath I swaddle her up in a towel and then go look at her in the mirror so I can still cuddle her. She always looks so cute all wrapped up in the towel.
Cute outfit alert! 
And another cute outfit! That little vest. That headband. 
K this was taken on Easter. It was the FIRST time I had ever put Riley in a dress and I was dying over the cuteness.  
We took soooo many pictures of her in this outfit. 
She liked it too :) 
This sweet thing. Lookin sleepy.
She's such a happy babe.
haha I was out at a baby shower for my friend Jessica when I get this text from Ry... Haha :) 
That is A LOT of spit up. 
And another dress. Too cute. AH! toooooo too cute.
So for awhile we didn't have the toys on this little play mat. This was her first time on the mat after we put the toys on it. She was so happy! She loved them. It was adorable.

Our friends Wes and Anna love Riley so much. They are so good with her and always "fighting" over who gets to hold her next. It's pretty funny. We have become really close with the Harwards! We are gonna miss them so much! 
Anna makes the world's best rolls! This was for our Easter dinner! So yummy. We realized that every holiday that we've been in South Bend for, we have spent with the Harwards. It's been so nice to have them as friends!
My friend Becca made this adorable hat for Riley! Sooooo cute.
I just think she looks hilarious in this picture. Literally makes me laugh out loud.
That. Double. Chin.
Bapa says, "Riley's got more chins than a Chinese phone book!"
It's actually pretty impressive how much of her fist she can fit in her mouth. Especially at bath time. She likes to suck all the water off of her hand. When she's not eating, she's practicing eating. I think there's a Jim Gaffigan skit about that with gum.
We are LOVING the spring weather and enjoying lots and lots of walks outside. 
OK those shoes!!! I'm obsessed. They're way too big on her still but I just had to try them on her. Love them.
Nightly cuddles with my princess babe.
Took this during Sunday school. Church is so fun with a baby :) I hear that my opinion on that might change though once we have another...guess we'll see about that.

Look at that sweet face!
I LOVE this picture!

My friend Amy Heiby gave us this little flexible flower to stick wherever and we put it on Riley's swing. Riley LOVES it! The flower has a little happy face on it and she could stare at it for like 20 minutes straight, just smiling and having a conversation with it! It is the cutest thing!

Notre Dame campus is SO gorgeous! I love taking Riley on walks around campus and to meet up with Ryan there. It's one of my favorite things to do! 
The family life committee for the MBA program has lots of fun activities. This was at a South Bend Cubs Baseball game. 
Yay for free hats!

Riley and Daddy at the Cubs game.
We finally realized that we have close to NO photos as a family. Most are all Riley so we are gonna try to take more as a family too. 

She's getting so vocal. She loves to chit chat and is even making giggling noises too. Still waiting on a belly laugh but the giggles and cackles are so fun!  
My view when Riley falls asleep in my arms. 

Those CHEEKS!!
I think this is my favorite picture of Riley. Look at that CHUB! She is one adorably squishy baby. I just can't get enough of her.  I think it's hilarious when people ask me "Is she a good eater?" I have to laugh. Don't you see her? Yeah. She's a phenomenal eater. I LOVE my baby. She's the most chubalicious little chica I have ever seen. I could hold her and stare at her and cuddle those rolls all day long. And somedays I do :)


  1. Oh my gosh!! She is just too darn cute. I love all the pictures!! Excited to see you all again soon!

  2. These pictures are SOOOO GREAT!
