Friday, May 15, 2015

We are all so loved.

At Riley's two month check up she had to get her shots. :( This was so much harder and more sad than I thought it would be! I probably cried just as hard as she did. When I set up the appointment I made sure to schedule it during a time when Ryan wouldn't be at school because I really wanted to have the support. I have always, ALWAYS planned on giving Riley all of her immunizations and I know it is the right thing to do to protect her and others. But I was still so nervous about it and it was nice to have Ryan there with us.

When it came time for the shots, the nurse came in and told us that one of us had to hold Riley's arms down while she delivered the shots. Holding my baby's arms down? That had never crossed my mind. I couldn't even bear to watch this--let alone hold my baby down. I was so grateful that Ryan was there and willing to do this. He is so much braver than I am. Riley is such a sweet natured baby--she hardly ever ever cries so when I heard her screaming and screaming in so much pain, it just broke my heart and being the baby that I am, I totally started balling and kept balling through each and every shot.

As we were leaving the doctor I was still teary eyed. I love my little girl so much and it was so hard to watch her endure one of the first truly painful experiences of her life. Even though I knew it had to be done, it was still very hard to watch her suffer. As I thought about this, my mind made a connection that I never want to forget.

Our Father in heaven had to watch His child--His Only Begotten Son--suffer pain so much worse than what I had just witnessed with my daughter.

Heavenly Father had to watch His Son suffer a pain so unimaginable that it caused Him, "even God, the greatest of all, to tremble because of pain, and to bleed at every pore." (D&C 19:18) He had to watch as His son was mocked, smitten, and crucified.

If it was that hard for me to watch Riley suffer a few shots, I can't even imagine how my Heavenly Father felt watching His son suffer so much. Because God is THE MOST loving parent, I know He would never allow that to happen if it wasn't absolutely necessary. He allowed Christ to suffer to provide us a way back to Him. He allowed it to happen because He loves us.

I am so grateful to my Heavenly Father for His plan for my happiness and for all His children. I am also so grateful to my Savior for His suffering on my behalf.

I really feel in my heart that my Heavenly Father is real. He really does love me and so does Jesus Christ. They love each and every one of us. Nothing we do can ever take away that love.

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