Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Ryan's Birthday!

My favorite holiday is Christmas. Can't beat Christmas. No matter what. But my second favorite is definitely Ryan's Birthday! I just love celebrating him all day and getting to spoil my man! :) Lots of fun! This year worked out so perfect because my boss texted me the night before and told me I didn't need to come in the next day. I was so excited to have Ry's b-day off! :)

I still had to teach early morning seminary and then I came home and decorated the house in b-day balloons, a sign and a note on the mirror and set all his presents up on the table. When I snuck back into our room, Ry was just waking up. His face was so surprised to see me! He wondered why I wasn't at work! It was so fun to surprise him and be able to spend the whole day together. He started the day with a nice facetime from his family and opening their gifts! They are so sweet and made sure his presents arrived in time for his bday. He got a TON of Haribo (his favorite candy), and a Fitbit. He has really enjoyed using that so far and tracking his activity.

Later, We went to see Guardians of the Galaxy which we ended up really enjoying. Super funny, it was way better than we expected! We also got Ryan an Iphone 6. He was so excited to upgrade after a few years. He's had a lot of fun with it so far and loves the applepay. It's pretty cool you can pay with your phone!

For dinner we went to our favorite place ever- Corndance. So good!! Seriously. Everything is so perfect. Everything is the tastiest thing ever. We left so stuffed that we couldn't eat the b-day cake I had made for Ryan ;) (Pumpkin Cheesecake). Oh well. More cake for later right? Then he got to open the rest of his presents. A few shirts (dressy casual he asked for for his new job) and a weight lifting bench he's been wanting for a while from me. He also got a book and a gift card from his sisters. Everyone was so sweet and thoughtful. It was a great day. 

OK here's our amazing food! The sword of John Adams (Ryan's fave), the pear ravioli (my fave!), and a yummy fruity salad with walnuts and goat cheese. We also got the spinach artichoke dip as an appetizer--AMAZING :) So much food! 

OK here's the sword of John Adams up a little closer. It was an 8 oz. steak, 2 chicken breasts,
a cheddar jalapeƱo sausage, and a bunch of peppers all skewered on a real sword!
Served with grilled veggies, house-made coleslaw and twice baked potatoes. YUM!  
Everytime we come here Ryan always wants to try out the sword of John Adams but
we never have. It was fun to finally try it out and have our food come out on a sword! 

They brought out a free b-day dessert. Yummy apple crisp and ice cream! :) 

Happy Birthday to my favorite person ever! I love you so much Ryan. Every day I am so grateful that I married you. I could never ask for a better husband. You make me the luckiest and happiest girl in all the world. I love you with my whole heart. Happy 29th!

Oh and here's a pic from the night before Ryan's birthday. We had the missionaries over and got to sing happy birthday to him.