We are very happy to be back in South Bend. The fall is so pretty here! We are loving it! It was so nice to see our friends again and come back to our apartment. We are soooo happy to not be living in that crappy apartment in Daly City anymore. This place felt so welcoming to come home to!
This is along the bike path that we love. So pretty and green when we first got back. |
We had really rainy weather the first week back but after that the weather was so nice and warm! We were so happy to see the sun again after a very cloudy summer. We ate up the warm weather and soaked it in as much as we could. At every available chance we headed to Silver Beach! (our favorite beach at Lake Michigan). It's so peaceful and beautiful there. We can't get enough of it.

Since we've been back I started teaching early morning seminary. I have a companion teacher that I get to trade off with so I'll have it for a week or a few weeks, and then she will have the kids for a week or a few weeks. It varies. It's nice to have a partner to trade off with because it really is a time consuming/difficult calling. I spend about 20 hours a week on seminary alone. Then I have my jobs and what not on top of that and it just gets exhausting. It's been good to really get into the Doctrine and Covenants though and be better at studying my scriptures. I definitely have a huge appreciation for the youth and teachers all over the world that get up so early everyday for seminary. It is tough. I had no idea how good I had it in high school having release time seminary!
I'm also working part-time as a nanny. The kids are really good and make me laugh every time I go over. They say the funniest, cutest things. I'm also doing lots of photography and have really been loving that! It's been a nice source of extra income and has been so much fun to get more into my camera and editing etc.
Ryan just finished mod 1 so he is 1/4 of the way done with the school year. I'm so proud of him. He has been spending a lot of time applying to jobs and looking for jobs (especially ones in Utah) and trying to network as much as he can. So far, it's looking like we will end up taking the job offer at Salesforce in San Francisco but we'll have to wait and see for sure. Ry also joined the Notre Dame cycling team which is pretty cool! He has enjoyed the rides with the team and seeing all the beauty around here on his rides. (Especially now that the leaves are starting to turn--this place just lights up in the fall. It is so pretty)!
Our baby seems to be doing well. We cannot wait for her to get here! I'll post a baby update soon! :)
At the local Pumpkin patch. We "raced" these bikes and played around a little and bought a few pumpkins.
On ND campus with my boy. |