Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Riley at 10 Months

Riley is 10 months old! When did this happen? I can hardly believe that in two short months she will be a year old! How is my baby growing so quickly? Here are some 10 month updates:

  • Riley's first tooth is starting to break through on the bottom, but barely visible still. I don't think the real teething has hit yet because she's still pretty happy and not too slobbery. So happy we fended off teeth until 10 months. Hallelujah! One of my mom-fears was nursing a baby with a mouth full of teeth! Ouch.
  • Riley is NOT sleeping through the night and hasn't been consistently sleeping through the night since we moved to CA. Mom and Dad are excited for Riley to get back to sleeping through the night! Feel free to make that happen any day now baby girl.
  • She's still a great napper and takes two long naps per day.
  • Riley gives the best Beethoven-style slobbery kisses.
  • She has perfected the wave and is always waving at not only people, but inanimate objects as well. :) My favorite is when I'm nursing her and she will stop eating and come off just to wave at me and then go back to eating. Sometimes she'll do that five or more times during a nursing session. It's pretty adorable. She LOVES waving and does it at the most random times. It is so cute. 
  • She's figured out one of her new fave toys--unrolling the toilet paper from the roll. She also loves to get into any drawer or cupboard she can and make messes.
  • Makes noises that sound like Mmmmmumm mmmmmma and da da but we aren't sure if she's deliberately saying ma ma and da da or just babbling. It's probably just Ryan and I and our wishful thinking. 
  • Riley can walk with assistance but will not let go of our hands. If we try to let go (even when she is just standing) she will squat down to the floor.
  • Riley loves bath time and will even stand at the bath tub throughout the day, hoping we will get the hint and give her a bath!
  • Riley is afraid of loud noises. She's scared of the vacuum, still scared of the blender (but less scared than she used to be), and also scared of the blow dryer! haha 
  • She loves loves loves to be outside!
  • Riley has the happiest little personality and brings us so much joy!

And just to keep it real. NO--she is not happy all the time. In fact, she was in a pretty bad mood for a lot of these pictures and we had to go home pretty quick! haha. Nap time calls. For the most part though, she is a very easy going and happy person.
We love you Riley Rosie.