I haven't updated our blog in a few weeks and holy cow I have way too many pictures to let that happen. haha Ryan and I take SO many pictures! These pictures are mostly of Riley from age 3-6 weeks.
Sometimes after Riley wakes up we will get her up and lay her in our bed
and just hang out with her. She loves to just hang out with Mom and Dad |
Sometimes I just have to take pictures of Riley's outfits. We are so grateful to all of our family and friends who gave us such cute things for her to wear! I absolutely love dressing her up. It's so fun having a baby girl!
Ryan is such a good dad and LOVES to cuddle with his baby girl.
Starting to smile... |
Ha this is Riley's concentrating face...before she poops... |
And this is her pooping face. ha! |
Happy girl |
She's too cute. I can't stand it. |
I will treasure all these cuddles and loves forever and ever. |
Riley is really starting to like her nice warm baths. She is also really good at pooping and peeing as soon as she gets into the bath. ha I swear it happens at least every other time. It's pretty funny. |
She likes to sleep with her hands up--touchdown style. |
Ryan likes to hold Riley girl while he studies. |
I think this was during his finals. |
We like to use our baby monitor to spy on our kid while she sleeps. But sometimes we just see her lying in her bassinet just entertaining herself. ha she's such a content baby. We are lucky! |
Right before taking Riley to her one month check up! Check out her outfit.
Cute little furry boots, furry coat, lacey tutu pants, lacey headband. So fun having a girl! |
This chunk right after getting weighed (the baby not me ;) haha)
We got ourselves one healthy babe! |
The best feeling. |
Smiling! :) I actually cried when she first smiled at me! So sweet. Completely melted my heart. |
K this is a funny story--
I stayed home from church with Riley for 4 weeks or so? Then on the fifth week I took Riley to sacrament with me and Ryan took her home afterwards so I could stay for sunday school and Relief Society. Ryan texted me this cute picture of Riley...
And then immediately afterwards I got these pictures... haha
My friend turned to me and said, "Aren't you glad you were the one who stayed at church today? ;) ha He got the joy of dealing with her worst blow out yet. Dad to the rescue.
It finally got warm enough one day to go on a walk outside. It was so nice to finally be able to feel sunshine and enjoy some nice weather. Riley loved looking around outside--she's such a curious baby. But she fell asleep pretty quickly from the movement of the stroller. I'm really looking forward to spring weather and getting outside more often! |
She's hugging her mamma |

She looks so tiny! It's been only a few weeks since this photo--I can't believe how much she's grown in such a short period of time! |
TOO too too too too too cute. I am dying every day over her cuteness. |
Riley's one month stats:
21.5 inches long--75 percentile in length
10 lbs 11 oz.--85 percentile in weight
Head circumference-95 percentile!
Oh my goodness, she IS too too too too cute!! Ah I wish I could snuggle her right now!