Oh the joys of being prego...
While in the 50 degree summer of Daly City (after the coldest winter ever in Indiana), Ryan showed me a picture of a beautiful, sunny beach (somewhere in the Caribbean). I wanted to go there so bad I started crying. A little hyperemotional maybe? Ryan and I started laughing pretty hard. I couldn't believe I was crying over this! This was probably my first experience with being overly emotional in pregnancy.
We only had one car over the summer so I would often drive Ryan to the BART and drop him off and come back home so I could have the car for the day. One day after dropping Ryan off at the BART I Opened the door to our apartment (keep in mind, our apartment stunk so bad! It had this musty/moldy smell to it) and got a pure whiff of the apartment. I immediately spewed barf everywhere all over the floor! haha I couldn't help but laugh that our apartment literally made me sick. After that I got tons of glade plug-ins and scented candles...BUT I still held my breath each time I entered the door, just to be safe! :)
This stuff was allllllll over the place when we first moved in. We tried to clean as best as we could... but is it any wonder that this place stunk so bad? |
This happened all the time. I'm sure a lot of pregnant women can identify with this one.
Sit on the toilet. Go pee. Flush. Wash my hands. Then realize I have to pee again.
Pregnancy has provided me with the most interesting/funniest interactions with complete strangers: people asking to touch my belly, total strangers giving me advice or telling me about their horrific births, and even a few weird people acting psychic and telling me what gender baby I was having. One lady at the grocery store guessed I was having a boy. I told her I was actually having a girl and she told me she had a "90% accuracy of predicting the gender" and that "ultrasounds can be wrong." haha :) Pregnancy allows you to bond with strangers in funny and unusual ways :)
On our trip to Yosemite we went to the grocery store to pick up some breakfast. While in the produce department I knew something bad was coming...my usual morning barf. Think fast! What do I do? I grabbed for one of the clear plastic produce bags and started heaving away. Other shoppers were staring and I'm sure they were extremely grossed out. Two store employees ran to my aid. I immediately started crying and explained that I was pregnant. The lady employee looked relieved and just smiled and told me to grab some granola from the bulk section :) It was embarrassing at the time but it's really funny to remember now.
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Later the same day, feeling much better! |
Crying over food. One time it was because Panera didn't have cherry tomatoes to put on my caesar salad. Ha! oh gosh. But even better was the time Jimmy Johns forgot to put avocado on my veggie sub. Ryan went back to Jimmy Johns to get me some avocado only to discover they actually HAD put avocado on my veggie sub. When he returned and told me this, I was...well I was a little put out. "Oh my gosh! If I literally can't find the avocado on my veggie sub...there probably isn't enough avocado!" I am a nice person, I swear. But I was so mad I wrote a complaint email to Jimmy Johns stating that I was pregnant and had been craving this sub all day and it was a complete disappointment. I even went so far as to say, "Jimmy John himself would be embarrassed of this sub!" Two days later Jimmy John's called me to set things right. haha I was too embarrassed to answer and let it go straight to voicemail. I never called them back. We went back to Jimmy Johns a few days later :)
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The JJ veggie sub. I craved this ALL the time! |
The. Yosemite. Hike. Ha! This is so funny to me now. But holy cow I was soooo mad by the end of this hike. Worst mood! At the bottom of the trail we saw a map that said there would be bathrooms at the half-way point AND at the top. As a pregnant woman this is very important information. Like a normal pregnant person, I had to pee incredibly bad after like 20 minutes but of course I kept holding it because "like the map said, there are bathrooms at the half-way point." Well we finally get to the half-way point and I literally run to the bathrooms only to find that they are LOCKED. Shut down for the season. I could not hold it till we reached the top so I had no choice but to pee on the side of the trail. Ry and I went off of the trail pretty deep but I was so nervous someone would see me squatting! I kept telling Ryan to block me and make sure no one could see! It was hilarious. I was so scared that I would get caught and get some huge fine for peeing on a national park!
We get back to our hike and of course I am starving by now because after all, I am pregnant. We finally get to what I think is the top. It's beautiful. Then some man says we just HAVE to keep going because the view at the top is even more unbelievable and it's "Only 15 more minutes " Yeah right! It was like 45 more minutes of stairs. Actual steep, rock stairs and of course, like a "normal pregnant lady" I started balling because it was so hard and I had to pee again and I just wanted to eat! Finally we get to the top and guess what? No bathroom! Again. What?
We eventually sit down to eat the only food we have left, half of a PB&honey sandwich. That's when the squirrels start swarming us. Dozens of stupid squirrels who think they have a right to MY PB&honey? Oh man. I can't stop laughing thinking about it. I actually wanted to pick up a squirrel and throw it. haha I've always liked squirrels. I've always liked hiking. Guess it was just one of those pregnant days :)
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Pretty much at what we thought was the top... *Note I am still in a good mood |
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Then the stairs.. ha |
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and more stairs... |
I was playing with the kids I nanny and on this particular day I was feeling pretty nauseous. Well, one of the kids (the 5 year old boy) farted. It was a bad one. Once I caught his drift I ran to the sink and barfed! haha Throwing up after smelling the fart of the kid I nanny definitely makes this list of funny memories. After I finished barfing, the kid looks at me with this puzzled look on his face and says very seriously, "Why did you do that?"
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Here he is :) What a cutie though right? |
Going out to lunch at Giordano's in Chicago with Ryan and Roah. Right before we left, the waitress told me she could tell I was having a girl. I asked how she knew and she told me it was because, "Your belly starts in your back." As we were leaving we all started laughing. Did she just tell me she can tell I'm having a girl because I have back fat? Love handles? Whatever you want to call it? What the heck?!! Good thing we had already tipped her... We couldn't stop laughing.
And the number one funniest memory that makes me laugh every time I think of it...
One night while driving in the car with Ryan I was pretty nauseous. We were in a hurry somewhere and Ryan hadn't eaten so he opened up a chocolate granola bar to eat on the way. This made the car smell like chocolate so I was mad. I felt sick and now there was this strong scent of chocolate in the car. Ryan then put his chap stick on and once I smelled it, I flipped out on him!! Here is our conversation...
Me: "OH MY GOSH!! Did you just put your chapstick on?!?!"
Ryan- "Uh yeah..."
Me in an angry voice- "Great!!! Now it smells like mint chocolate! Thanks a lot Ryan!!!!"
Ryan after a few seconds of processing bursts into laughter- "Really? you're mad that I made it smell like mint chocolate?"
haha I couldn't help it, and started laughing too! It's pretty ridiculous but when you're nauseous...any strong smell can make you gag/barf. But I had to laugh! So funny.
Of course I had some wonderful memories being pregnant and some not so great ones. These are just a few of the funny ones that looking back on now just make me laugh. I wanted to remember them and keep them around for a good laugh for Ryan and I. It's good to look back on what was once hard and be able to laugh now. Pregnancy can do some crazy stuff to your body and emotions but now that my little girl is here I can honestly say it was worth every second!
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