Sunday, May 31, 2015

My First Mother's Day

My first Mother's Day was wonderful! It was so fun to have a new holiday to celebrate my favorite thing, being a mom! Ryan and Riley spoiled me good!

I wanted to include this picture because it shows the flower arrangement better. Ryan couldn't decide which to get me so this is the pic he sent his mom to ask which one he should get. haha :) He got the one on the right which I looooove. It comes in the CUTEST mug ever. I love mugs, and tea, and drinking tea out of mugs ;) so I was pretty happy. 

Riley gave me an outfit for herself :) It was darling. Little green khaki shorts and everything. she looks adorable in it!

Ry let me choose any breakfast I wanted for Mother's Day. I think he was a little disappointed I didn't choose a more elaborate breakfast. But my favorite granola and fresh fruit just sounded perfect. I knew we would eat a looooot of junk later so I didn't want to start the day off too crazy.  Don't worry though, Ryan surprised me with Amish crack donuts too. I didn't get a picture of those but we sure love um! SO delicious.

Oh dear. This was my real present from Riley. She wanted to be sure that this Mother's Day was memorable and one I would never forget. She pooped ALLLLLLL over me at church. It was her worst blow out ever. It was all over my skirt, seeped through my skirt, got on my shirt, undershirt, skin, etc. Neon, liquid, poop. Happy Mother's Day :) hahaha so glad I got a picture. It was hilarious.

Another present from Riley girl. Sleeping soundly in Mama's arms and letting me cuddle her for a long time. 

Look at that chubby little angel face. 
I'm crazy about her. I could cuddle her allllllll day. And sometimes I do. 
Family pic on my first Mother's Day

Riley has started holding hands really well. She alllllways wants to hold hands while she's eating. It helps her fall asleep. I think it is the sweetest thing ever. 

My little girl. I love you forever. 

The best feeling in the world. 
Daddy kinda photo bombed us. If you didn't notice I took a bajillion pictures in this spot. Sometimes my heart is melting so fast that I take a ton of pictures to try and capture it. These are the moments I never want to forget! 

Ryan made this scrumptious dinner I picked! Black bean and sweet potato tacos with avocado and lime. One of our faves!
Also, I got a bread maker! Super stoked about making my own homemade bread. Mmmmmm :) 

And one more present from Riley to end my day :) 
The perfect day. I love being a mom! The greatest gift I have been given. 


  1. Hahahahahah Baley this post was so great! I love the poop explosion-- I was familiar with those!! (Devin got pooped on at church like that too hahaha). And I love when they hold your hand while they are eating. Hatcher used to do that, and it melted my heart so much. Happy Mother's Day :)

  2. LOL the blowout!!! Hilarious!! Love all the pics of you and sweet Riley. Beautiful girls! Being a mom really is the best ever.
